
Saving Money

4 Common Problems in Older Homes

May 24, 2024

Older homes come with built-in history, a unique character and nostalgic charm. But over many years, they may also harbor hidden problems that can cost a pretty penny once they finally surface.  Knowing how to…

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What does PITI mean for your payments?

Apr 03, 2024

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it can come with its fair share of jargon. One term you may encounter is PITI. It might sound like alphabet soup, but PITI — principal,…

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Your Guide to Down Payment Assistance

Jan 22, 2024

As you may know, saving for a competitive down payment was one of the primary obstacles homebuyers faced in 2023. With high prices and rising mortgage rates, many buyers have turned to down payment assistance…

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Should You Lock In Your Mortgage Rate?

Jan 11, 2024

Finding the lowest available mortgage rate can significantly reduce the lifetime costs of your loan. In fact, reducing your rate by even a few percentage points could save you thousands of dollars long-term.  But with…

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Conforming Versus Nonconforming Loans

Dec 15, 2023

When applying for a mortgage, it’s important to understand the difference between conforming and nonconforming loans. Conforming loans offer more protections and could save you money long-term. Nonconforming loans are more accessible, offer larger loan…

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3 Must-Do’s for New Homeowners

Nov 16, 2023

Settling into a new home goes beyond just unpacking boxes — it’s about adapting to a different space, embracing a new community and establishing fresh routines. The initial months can sometimes feel daunting, especially if…

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How Does the Prime Rate Impact Loans?

Sep 11, 2023

In 2022, the prime rate went up by 4 points, going from 3.5% to 7.5%. This happened because the Federal Reserve wanted to better manage inflation. By July 2023, the prime rate had gone up…

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Adapting Your Home: Renovate or Relocate?

Aug 28, 2023

As life evolves, so do our household needs. From new family members to an empty nest, change is inevitable.  But when change comes knocking, should you renovate your current home or uproot and relocate to…

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Midsummer Home Maintenance To-Do List

Aug 14, 2023

Summer is a season synonymous with clear skies, free time and fun outdoor activities. But you know what is also great about summer? It can be an ideal time to perform a number of vital…

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